All Walmart Shoppers Should…

However, not everyone likes the responsibility of scanning all their items and checking themselves out. Plus, lines can still build up with these selfcheckout lanes.Walmart had a solution for a way to still make customers able to check themselves out, but eliminate lines altogether. Not too long ago,

several stores began to implement their “Scan and Go” technology in which customers are able to scan items as they walk through the store and then pay on their phoneswhen they’re finished. Then they walk through a Mobile Express lane will at the front of Walmart’s stores for security purposes.The idea behind using this type of technology was noble—that consumers today want a speedy, easy shopping experience, and an easy wayto get in and get out of the store without any fuss or muss. Sounds like a win-win for all—Walmart cuts costs, we slash all the long lines, and everyone gets to have a seamless shopping experience, right?“We’re always looking for new ways to help our customers save time, and these innovations are just the latest examples of how we continue to invest in our stores and bring greater convenience to customers,” said Ray Korsch, a Walmart market manager, in a statement….

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