Santa’s Favorite Laughs: Christmas Jokes to Brighten Your Holiday

Mike drummed his fingers on the desk, glancing at his wife Janet, who was holding back laughter. It was time for their annual Christmas prank.”Hey kiddo,” Mike said to his son Ryan. “I hate to say it, but… your mother and I are getting divorced.” “WHAT?!” Ryan exclaimed. “You just posted those Christmas sweater photos!” “Dead serious,” Mike replied. “I can’t stand her cookbooks anymore. Call your sister,

Ryan panicked and called his sister Ashley. “Dad’s losing it! They’re divorcing over a cookbook!”Ashley screamed, “OVER MY DEAD BODY! WE’RE FLYING HOME TONIGHT!” She dialed Mike, furious. “Don’t you DARE sign anything!” Mike hung up, high-fiving Janet as they laughed. “Both kids are coming home—and buying their own tickets!” Janet wiped her eyes. “Should we tell them we did the same thing for Thanksgiving?”Mike grinned. “Nah, let’s save that one for Easter!”

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